
Rubber is a polymer composed of hydrogen and carbon. It is elastic, and found in the flow of certain plants, but it is also produced synthetically. Rubber is produced through the process of excavating plants called Hevea Brasiliensis.

This material is obtained from the tree through a process called tapping, in which the worker uses a sharp knife to make thin incisions in the trunk. The incision penetrates the bark and latex ducts, but the underlying layer should remain unchanged. When the fluid comes out of the tree, it usually includes natural rubber, protein, water, and other biomaterials.

Rubber is found in two types of natural latex and natural rubber. Natural latex refers to the white fluid obtained from the rubber tree. It consists of small rubber particles and vegetable proteins. Natural rubber is produced with the help of two processes – Natural Rubber Latex Process or Dry Natural Rubber Process, which includes all products made from latex.

Synthetic rubber is produced through the polymerization of various monomers. Rubber products are widely used in various aspects of industry and life.

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