Maintenance of Auto Rubber Products in winter

Due to dryness in winter, experts argue that the weather can be harmful for some auto parts, like whole auto rubber seals, tires, seats etc. These vulnerable parts are easy to get wrinkles, aging or cracks. If you pay more attention to maintenance your cars, the question will be solved easily.
Those few rubber seals of auto are often neglected by people. They are very important to waterproof and soundproof. But they are also fragile. Sunlight exposure for a long time and low atmospheric humidity can lead to premature aging of rubber seals. Once they get aging and cracked, that will have big impacts on waterproof and soundproof. Rubber tires also have the same problem. In the long dry environment, rubber material of tire is easy to get ageing. If the tire walls get damaged seriously, that will not be used any more.
For the above problems, some moisturizers for rubber parts have emerged as required. The role of moisturizers is to moisturize and repair damaged rubber seals and tires, slow down the aging process. Meanwhile, that will polish rubber parts. When four feet of car looks shiny black after maintenance, your car will be more handsome than before.